Tukums, Latvia
20 September, 2020

“ I'm really pleased about this valuable global initiative, an art project “Breathe with Me’’ that today is taking place in Tukums
during the TUKKU MAGI courtyard opening event. The project invites everybody to stop for a while, listen to their inner selves,
feel the connectivity of all humankind and think about the kind of the planet we will leave to our children. Latvia, along with
many other countries, has committed to the UN 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. These 17 Global Goals address the most important
global issues, including sustainability, environment, climate, clean energy, economic growth, as well as reduction of inequality,
promotion of well-being and quality education for all. The Art 2030 framework of the Breathe with Me project has something to say
to each of us exactly on these questions which are so essential.
Congratulations to the project authors, volunteers, people from Tukums and representatives of the Tukums Municipality on this event. I wish you all a very pleasant evening! ”
Edgars Rinkevičs, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Latvia