Watercolour by Jeppe Hein
Show me your Breath –
How to share your breath with us
Focused on the universal act of breathing, Breathe with Me is a global engagement art project that spreads a simple but ambitious message of interconnectivity, by inviting everyone to breathe together. Breathe with Me ignites awareness, unity and positive action for a strong and sustainable future. It inspires engagement that is impactful in a multitude of ways to see how the world can breathe together for a better future.
Since its launch in September 2019 thousands of people around the world followed the projects open invitation and took Breathe with Me into their own lives by downloading our Breathe with Me manual, thereby practicing it in their own unique way, to feel that they can relate to others, and the messages within. The manual offers different ways to create Breathe with Me projects, but is intended as an inspirational kit open to interpretation and variation. To add to this, we have included some learning activities about breathing that can be used for Breathe with Me workshops.
Breathing exercise: Breathing Watercolours on Flags
Breathing technique: Bee Breathing
We hope the manual will continue to empower individuals, families, neighbours, communities, schools, museums as well as other public institutions and organizations, to make the invisible visible, and share how we breathe around the world
Participants are encouraged to upload or post contributions, photos and film documentation as well as any ideas for Breathe with Me projects and workshops on Instagram using the hashtag #breathewithme. An overview will be compiled by us on www.instagram.com/breathewithmeandtheworld.
You can download the complete manuals here in English (PDF, 39 pages, 4,1 MB) and German (PDF, 39 pages, 4,1 MB) and Greelandic (PDF, 39 pages, 4,1 MB)
In addition, you can also watch the tutorial video below, where Jeppe guides you through the exercise.
Come and breathe with us and share your breath with the world, for the world!
Young studio visitor painting Breathing Watercolours on a wall
Watercolour by Jeppe Hein
Breathe with Me tutorial video with Jeppe Hein