Henry M. Gunn High School
Palo Alto, California
22 April, 2021 – 25 April, 2021
Art can be very powerful…over this last year we had to breathe through these [masks]. It feels like we are turning a corner. I felt a lot of joy to be here and to share this with everybody.
Tom DuBois, Mayor of Palo Alto
A sense of community is what has sustained us. This is a culminating event where after a year [of the pandemic], we have learned how important we are to each other. We [aim to] graduate students from our school that become citizens of the world, that see themselves as part of the ownership of the planet.
Wendy Stratton, Principal of Gunn High School
How do cultures fit together, how do people fit together? Any way we can get together and do something that unifies us, I want to be a part of that.
Liz Matchett, Gunn High School World Language Instructional Leader
I see the painting as a social contract. The first line, for me, is signing a contract for your own wellness and self care … and the second line is about understanding and supporting the environment that you are in locally, and then globally.
Svetlana Gous, project organizer
I really hope this helps us start to recover from the chaos of the pandemic. It’s been so hard for so many people, and I hope it’s a nice step forward…helping our community and focusing our efforts on what really matters.
Cate Rose, student volunteer, Palo Alto, California